Firearm Permits

Firearms Application Process and Requirements

Step 1

Visit this website –

Step 2

Enter the Hillside Police Department’s ORI number: NJ0200700  

Step 3

Complete the online application. You may complete the application using a smartphone, mobile device, laptop, or desktop computer.

When completing the application you will need the email address of 2 reputable references. Your references can be family members.

The online application must be completed in full.

(Note: Entering your social security number is not mandatory, HOWEVER it will expedite the application process.)

The online application is applicant driven. Please ensure that you have entered the best phone numbers and email addresses for yourself and references.

(Note: If you do not already possess a Firearms ID Card and want a Permit to Purchase a Handgun you MUST apply for both on the same application.)

Step 4

You must appear at the Hillside Police Department to PAY for your initial Firearms Identification Card and/or Pistol Purchase Permits. Payment must be made in cash and is non-refundable pursuant to NJAC 13:54-1.4. Your application will not be processed until you have paid for the Firearms ID Card / Pistol Purchase Permits.

Please advise your references that the "Firearms Application & Registration System" will email them the reference questions to be answered. Your references can complete the questions using a smartphone, mobile device, laptop, or desktop computer. Please advise them to complete the questions to progress your background investigation.

You will be receiving automated email updates throughout this process.

Once your application is complete, a police representative will contact you to retrieve your Firearms ID Card and/or pistol purchase permit documents.

Please do not come to the Hillside Police Department until you have been contacted by a representative.

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